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Gabriel Marian & Gizella Kovats: The Fly on the Strawberry, sept 2014

A meditation on the essential vs the accessory, on vitality and entropy, on the strength of innocence and the fragility of the most intense feelings. Revisiting one of the most uncomfortable topoi in art history: Vanitas, seen through the consoling lens of a well-tempered pathos.




O meditaÈ›ie despre esenÈ›ial ÅŸi accesoriu, vitalitate ÅŸi entropie,  despre puterea inocenÈ›ei ÅŸi fragilitatea sentimentelor celor mai intense. Revizitarea uneia din temele cele mai incomode din istoria artei : Vanitas, din  perspectiva consolatoare a unui patetism bine temperat.

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